Kannur Medical College

Anjarakandy Integrated Campus



Institutions responsibilities towards students
The Institution shall

► Communicate its goals and objectives systematically and clearly to all students.
► Offer programmes that are consist with its goals and objectives.
►Offer a wide range of programmes with adequate academic flexibility
►Obtain feedback from students on the initiation, review and redesign of programmes if and when necessary.
►Facilitate effective running of the teaching – learning programmes.
►Implement a well – conceived plan for monitoring student progress continuously.
►Ensure that the student assessment mechanism is reliable and valid.
►Ensure sufficient and well – run support services to all students.
►Promote healthy practices.

A professional College Campus is a place where there is maximum useful and purposeful interaction of students from various sections of society. A student body formed in such a situation represents the cross-section of the society itself. It is termed as the College Union.
The basic concepts and motives behind the same are:-

(i) it is formed by a forum of students, elected / nominated from the student community
(ii) It is the place where the concept of democracy is retained to its maximum
(iii) It forms a plat form, where various issues are discussed in the most constructive manner and conclusions of common interest are reached.
(iv) It is the stage on which the culture and character of the campus are demonstrated and it is through the union that the campus reacts to various incidents that our outside its four walls.
(v) And last but not the least, the College Union forms an arena, where the ill effects of various social, economic and religious factors are put to rest and the decision of the majority is followed and maintained in the most healthy manner.