Kannur Medical College

Anjarakandy Integrated Campus




The Department of Pathology applies its knowledge of the mechanisms of disease to diagnosis, prevention and treatment. Backed by extensive equipment and laboratory facilities, research, education and clinical activities. Department of pathology has well established labs for students. The lab is furnished with required instruments and each student is provided with microscopes.A museum consisting of several charts and specimens for the reference of students is available. Books of pathology are being placed in the central library for reference by students.



Department of Microbiology consists of separate labs for bacteriology, virology, mycology and immunology. These labs are equipped with advanced instruments which are available to the students. Experienced professors & lecturers of the department train the students both theoretically and practically. Books for reference are placed both in central library and in department library The department is a diverse group of investigators with expertise concerning the biology of microorganisms and the molecular mechanisms of microbial pathogenesis. The Microbiology faculty serve as the focal point for the development of educational programs for medical and graduate students in the discipline of microbiology, and they have a leadership role in development of research programs in microbiology, with and emphasis in microbial pathogenesis. The Microbiology faculty is unique both with respect to the depth of its collective expertise concerning the biology of microbes and its commitment to using state-of-the-art tools of molecular and cell biology to study fundamental questions about how microbes cause disease. Molecular Microbiology provides an interface between academic molecular biology and real world applications in human health care and the environment. Modern molecular microbiology is already an exciting reality. The faculty of the Department of Microbiology have research interests and expertise that cover all aspects of the interactions of microorganisms with humans, animals and the environment, ranging from the molecular basis of diseases and antibiotics to commercial enzymes, from immunobiology and cancer to pollutant biodegradation and environmental remediation, from life at 100 C at the bottom of the ocean to photosynthesis, from fermentation and food protection to waste treatment. Academic activities include teaching students of various courses such as MBBS, BDS and BSc nursing. Besides regular lectures and practical classes we conduct seminars, project work, and clinical discussions etc. for the students and actively participate in Integrated teaching programs organized by college. Also have a well equipped practical laboratory for the students, museum and a research laboratory. In the diagnostic division of the department we are equipped with facilities to conduct various investigations – bacteriological including culture and sensitivity, virological, immunological and mycological. We have laboratory for detecting diseases like Dengue fever, Chikungunya, Leptospirosis, HIV etc. We are also participants in RNTCP program and our department is a designed Microscopy centre for tuberculosis.


Forensic Medicine

The forensic department at Kannur Medical College trains medical students in all aspects of forensic medicine including toxicology and proper medico legal documentation. The department imparts enough knowledge to our medical students that they are confident to tackle all kinds of medico legal problems as well as medico legal autopsies. The Department has the distinction of having cent percent pass results in all the university examinations conducted. The department has an excellent Forensic Museum comprising of hundreds of specimens, photographs, weapons, several poisons of biological and chemical origins and numerous charts which is interesting for public and also is of educative value to the students. The museum, well equipped lab and the fully equipped departmental library enable the students to hone there skills. Different types of specimen are kept for the study of students. There are wet & dry specimen, models, charts and weapons. Our museum is considered as the best Museum in North Kerala and it is approved by visiting Professors of these colleges. Department has a library and a reading room of its own and it is well utilized by under graduate students. Even though we were not allowed to conduct autopsy by the government, we have a good mortuary and cold storage of our own. The cold storage has capacity to keep eight dead bodies at time and it is utilized at present by the hospital as well. The Department provides facilities for Embalming (Chemical preservation facilities) of dead bodies. The autopsy room is well equipped with two dissection tables and defferent types of dissection instruments. The autopsy complex has separate rooms for police surgeons, Pathologists, Technicians, Police officials, records, Chemical and specimens and also has ample space for the waiting relatives of the dead persons we hope that in near future we will get the permission from the government to conduct medico legal autopsies


Community Medicine

The department of Community Medicine at Kannur Medical College is working in a dynamic and magnificent way to keep up to the expectations of both the buddying Medical doctors and also the society as a whole. Activities of the department which are obviously seen are as given below. The department works actively in RNTCP activities and keeps track of all TB patients in Kannur Medical College. The departmental members attend monthly TB meeting, also core committee meetings in college and also quarterly state level TB meetings. The department conduct undergraduate lectures for MBBS, BDS and BSC.Nursing 2nd year and 4th year batches. It also takes block postings for 2nd&3rd year MBBS batches. Department also arranger field visits to nursing students from Mikkely University, Finland. Departmental members attend National and International level conferences and publish papers in indexed journals. Department taken active interest in his Geriatric clinic in Community Health Centre under Government sector. Also free check up of inmates in Geriatic homes is also carriestant . In school health check ups also, departmental member & actively participate.Department presently also has presented many research papers



Department of Pharmacology has all the laboratories established ideally for the students for self-acquisition of knowledge. All the indispensible books of pharmacology and its related science have been kept in the department library itself for quick reference. Information about drugs & biography of famous pharmacologists has been made available at the department museum for student community..