Kannur Medical College

Anjarakandy Integrated Campus




The Department of Anaesthesiology Kannur Medical College is a highly integrated, collaborative group of dedicated anaesthesiologists. The department caters to various specialties like General Surgery, Orthopaedics, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, ENT & Ophthalmology, Plastic & Micro-vascular Surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Neuro Surgery and Paediatric Surgery. The variety of cases integrated with ongoing clinical research & education results in wide ranging expertise in the anaesthetic management of patients of all ages. The department caters to various surgical specialities & Super specialties and mans twelve well equipped operating rooms dedicated to various specialities. The service of the department also extends to a Cardiac Catheterisation Laboratory equipped with state-of-the-art facilities where Interventional Cardiology and Radiological procedures are performed routinely and also to MRI & CT scan suits. Labor Analgesia (Painless Labor) is also rendered by the department as and when requested. The theater complex has 10 fully equipped theaters with all the latest equipments to perform all types of minor, major & emergency surgeries.


Dermatology & Venerology

Dermatology department of Kannur Medical College is a full-fledged speciality with adequate staff available for teaching and training of MBBS students, and for care of patients suffering from Skin Diseases, Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Leprosy. Facilities: UV Treatment Skin scraping and KOH mount for fungus, in Skin OPD Laboratory. Smear examination for lepra bacilli Chemical cautery for warts and skin tags Electrocautery for warts Cryosurgery, with liquid nitrogen for warts Skin biopsy for certain diagnostic problems Intralesional injections KMCH Dermatology Department provides specialized care for adult and pediatric patients with severe skin diseases or general skin problems. Our medical practice provides an array of dermatological medical services , treating minor one-time skin care problems and major on going issues requiring regular treatments. We are readily available to assist you with your skin health concerns or problems.



ENT Clinic at KMCH is a premier provider of comprehensive ear, nose and throat care. Our highly trained, board-certified otolaryngologists, along with our licensed audiologists and speech-language pathologist, use the latest treatments and technologies to ensure the highest quality of care for patients of all ages. We undertake Nasal Endoscopy, Nasal Polypectomy, Sinus Surgery, Caldwell-Luc Operation, Tympanoplasty, Myringoplasty, Mastoidectomy, Adenoidectomy, Tonsillectomy, Styloidectomy, Microlarygoscopy, Trachesostomy & Micro-Ear Surgery. All other surgeries realted to ear nose and throat. We have a sound protected Audiology room where Pure Tone Audiometry and Tympanometry s routinely done. Hearing aid trials are also done for those who need it.


General Medicine

The Department of General Medicine is fully equipped to treat all types of medical cases including Critically ill patients. We have facility to admit patients in the high-tech Intensive Care Units with advanced monitoring facilities. We also have the support of Biochemistry and Microbiology Laboratories which do a large number of tests including special test (Immunological and Hormonal assays), and a Radiology department doing all advanced radiological investigations including interventional radiology. We also have the support of a fully functioning modern blood bank capable of providing blood components. We are supported by super specialty departments like Nephrology, Neurology, Cardiology and TB & Chest diseases with all facilities for special investigations & treatment. Special Clinic: Department conducts a Diabetic Clinic. Patients are given comprehensive Diabetic care and also education. We have suffiecient nursing staff who have been trained for Diabetes Care and Education. Preventive Health Care Services: The Department of Medicine is also providing Preventive Health Care Services, which includes Annual Medical Check-ups, Pre-employment assessment, and Master Health Check-ups. Staff and Student Health Services: The Department of Medicine takes care of the Staff & Student Health Services which includes Annual Medical Examination, inpatient and outpatient treatment of staff members and students who are ill.


General Surgery

Department of General Surgery offer state-of-the-art technology for a broad spectrum of secondary and tertiary surgical procedures; to teach and mentor surgeons of the future in our resident and fellowship programs, and vigilantly translate clinical investigative findings for use in patient care. Our surgical expertise is divided into patient management categories that include breast cancer, liver tumor, melanoma, gastrointestinal tumors, swallowing disorders, and general surgery. We have also developed a specialized focus in the field of laparoscopy, and provide expert consultation and education to the community for a variety of procedures. The Department is committed to providing the best patient care through the use of the latest techniques and advanced technology. Highly qualified general surgeons and nurses service the General Surgery Department. Diagnostic Modalities: The General Surgery Unit receives dedicated ancillary support from our high tech laboratory and pharmacy. Our diagnostic modalities include: Pathology, Radiography, C.T. Scan, Endoscopy, Laparoscopy All type of minor and major surgeries. Accident truma care. Keyhole / Laparocopic abdominal surgery. GI Endoscopy cancer surgery, breat, thyroid and neck surgery.Varicose veins and hernia surgery.Post operative intensive care. This department is well equipped and undertakes following types of cases a. All trauma cases b. All major and minor abdominal surgeries c. Pancreatic and retroperitoneal surgeries d. All cancer surgeries e. Esophageal and gastric surgeries f. Endocrinal surgeries including adrenal surgeries


Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Department of Obsterics & Gynaecology is a self contained unit with dedicated doctors, separate theaters, labour, wards and intensive care unit. The faculty has been drawn from all parts of India and has been trained extensively in India and abroad. Patient care and expertise on par with best of centers in India and abroad. Facilities: Key Hole Surgeries (Laparoscopic Procedures) , Removal of Uterus (LAVH), Ectopic Pregnancy, Ovarian Cyst, Diagnostic Laparoscopic Procedure, Free Deliveries - Normal and Caesarean, Treatment for all problems regarding Uterus and Ovaries Excellent management of Obstetric Emergencies with Blood Transfusion, Blood products, Dialysis, Plasmopheresis, Adolescent Gynaecology, Refereal Cases are handled. Specialty Clinics: Infertility Clinic, Cancer Screening (Free), Menopause Clinic, High Risk Pregnancy Clinic, Clinic for Menstural problems Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease The department has introduced a state-of-the-art infertility and genetic clinic. Equipped with the all the modern equipments, we provide medical services to the largest number of people through quality and low-cost. CTG machine: A modern Colposcope, an advanced mammography machine is available in the department. The department is equipped with not only wide array of laparoscopic instruments for laparoscopy but also has latest equipments like Harmonic Scalpel, LigaSure, Bipolar cautery which practically makes surgery bloodless The faculty at KMCH includes distinguished Laparoscopic Surgeons, Gynecologists, and Urologists. KMCH has a dedicated Operation theatre for laparoscopy surgeries with all ultramodern facility. Hear melodies are sweet. But those unheard are sweeter. Herwith narrate the unheard and unseen from our department Qualifies and efficient 5 gynecologists competent in latest management of all gynecological procedures including hysterectomy (abdominal, vaginal and laparoscopic), vaginal hysterectomy, hysteroscopic and laparoscopic myomectomy, uro-gynaec procedures like trans-obturator tape fixation and Burch cotposuspension available. All ultramodern facilities in high risk pregnancy management labour room well equipped with state-of-the art facilities and amenities 6 operation theatres with ultramodern equipments. Daily functioning of infertility clinic with modern facilities for IUI. Daily functioning of cancer detection clinic with Pap smear and colposcopy Daily functioning of family welfare clinic, with copper T insertion. Clean comfortable and cosy wards. Pay wards with full amenities, including AC, telephone and TV. Economy class cubicles.



The Department is well equipped with modern amenities in the field of Ophthalmology like Direct & Indirect Opthalmoscope + 90 D Lens (For Fundus Examination) Gonioscope Slit Lamp Biomicroscope Applanation Tonometer Schiotz tonometer Keratometer Lensometer A - Scan Automated Refractometer Humphery Field Analyzer (HFA) Yag Laser Argon Laser Surgeries done Cataract Micro-Surgeries (SICS with PCIOL / Phacoemulsification with foldable IOL) Trabeculectomies Cyclo-Cryotherapies Combined surgeries (Contaract & Glacucoma) Orbit Surgeries (Ptosis, PMMA & Silicone orbital implants, Artificial eye, Eyelid Surgeries etc) Dacryocystectomies Dacryocysto rhinostomies Pterygium Excision with autografting Yag-laser capsulotomy / Iridotomy Ocular surface re-construction Part of providing the best eye care, we believe, is to make that care User Friendly. Patients and referring physicians and optometrists are often gratified to discover how easily and quickly they can gain access to KMCHs doctors. KMCHs Eye Emergency Service delivers 24-hour-a-day care for blunt, penetrating, chemical, and other eye injuries, with fast-track assessment and treatment. As required, we can consult with neurologists, plastic surgeons, otolaryngologists, and social workers to address the patients complete needs during these episodes of acute care.



This department is staffed and equipped to deal with all types of orthopedic cases including joint replacement, spine surgery etc. Treatment Facilities Joint Replacement Surgery (Primary and Revision surgeries) Spine Surgeries (Decompression, Stabilization and Fusion procedures) Deformity Corrections and Limb lengthening procedures. All Arthroscopic procedures (ACL Reconstructions, Meniscal Suturing, Menisectomy etc) Trauma Care All routine Orthopedic Procedures Physical Medicine and rehabilitation



State-of-the-art treatment is provided for patients suffering from mental disorders with latest medicines and psychotherapy. The following types of problems are managed. Adult Psychiatric Disorders Alcohol and drug addiction Problems of Children and adolescents Stress Sexual dysfunction Old age problems Marital problems Rehabilitation of the mentally challenged and the mentally ill Psychiatric intervention is available round the clock for managing psychiatric emergencies including patients who are suicidal and acutely disturbed. Biofeedback and other relaxation techniques are employed in addressing stress related disorders. Almost all mental and behavioural problems can be solved with modern advancements in the field of psychiatry.


Respiratory Medicine

The department works keeping the following motto. Fully curative and Free TB health services to all patients Effective control of respiratory infectious diseases Effective Pulmonary rehabilitation programmes Minimize mortality of critically ill respiratory cases Provide eco-friendly environment



Facilities : Image Intensifier 500 MA X-Ray C-ARM facility at Operating Theater Catherisation Laboratory with DSA DSA CT Scan - Spiral, Multislice 800 MA X-Ray Machines Fluoroscope Ultrasound Protable X-Ray machine RF Ablator Laser The following investigations are done in the radiology department. X-Rays Plain X-rays of head, chest abdomen KUB, Pelvis, Spine, Limbs etc Special X-rays like IVP, MCU, HSG, Myelogram, Sialogram, venogram fistulogram etc. Barium studies like Barium swallow, barium meal, barium follow through and barium enema Computed Tomogram (CT- Scan) Plain and contrast studies of Head, PNS, neck, Thorax with HRCT, Abdomen, Limbs, Spine myelogram etc.· Ultra Sound Scanning Abdomen, pelvis, KUB, Antenatal, Thorax, Cranial (Infants), Soft tissues of body and small parts like thyroid gland, parotid gland, breast, scrotum, eye etc. Doppler study of Carotid arteries, peripheral arteries, Peripheral veins, Aorta, IVC, Renal arteries, Portal system, solid organs of abdomen, antenatal Doppler vascular Incompler and other tumors etc.